Why do you want to be healthy?

Why do you want to be healthy?

How many times have you tried to ‘get healthy’ and then stopped, feeling that you failed, or ashamed that you didn’t follow through with your goal - again?

Instead of striving to ‘look healthy’ or ‘be healthy,’ why not start by embracing the health you have? 

The health that pumps through your body and allows the living, breathing you to enjoy another day. What does it look like to 'be healthy'?

Healthy is one of those words that doesn’t really mean anything - it's like that old standby,  good, that your English teacher marked with a red pen.  It's a lukewarm description that doesn't tell us much. It's a word that needs to be defined by the user.

When you define healthy for yourself you are identifying a value. You are setting an intention, maybe even creating a baseline, that you want to live from. The way to bring more health into your life is to start from where you are. Embrace the health you have and set an intention for the health you seek.

Getting clear on why you want to be healthy can guide you to make the choices that will bring you that health. It’s a bit of a paradox. We often assume motivation comes from outside of ourselves, but while it might get us out of the starting gate, someone else’s vision rarely keeps us inspired. 

So why do you want to be healthy? Now take that answer and dig deeper. Ask why - again and again. 

Capture the essence of why you want to be healthy and create an authentic intention that starts from where you are. This isn’t about improving yourself. Instead, it’s about being yourself. It's about being the healthy vibrant you behind the busyness and overwhelm. The you who may feel weighed down from eating too much or burden by processed foods, and poor lifestyle choices. You know who you are. 

So what is your why? What is your unique intention to live from health as you seek health?

Here’s a journal worksheet to create your authentic intention for wanting to be healthy.

Feel free to share your why in the comments or share with me through the 'Connect' tab. I welcome your questions and comments as well.

To your health and happiness,